Road Run
Road Run
The Ellan Vannin Fuels sponsored road run is meeting at St Johns school lay by on Station Road at 13.30 for a 14.00 departure. The ride follows a southerly route returning to the Neb Cafe at Tynwald Mills for refreshments at approx 15.00.
Hangover Run
Planned for Sunday 29th December. Meeting at St Johns School at 12:00 for a 12:30 start. Short run finishing at The Marine in Peel for Sausage and Chips from 13:00.
Road Run
Chairman's Opening Road Run Signing on from 1.30, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.
Road Run
Tulip Run Signing on from 1.30, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.
Road Run
Bob Thomas Run Signing on from 1.30, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.
Road Run
Howard Rowell Run Signing on from 1.30, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.
Road Run
Absent Fiends Signing on from 7.00, it is an evening run, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.
Road Run
Charles Craine Run Signing on from 1.30, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.
Road Run
Midsummer Road Run Signing on from 1.30, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.
Road Run
Poker Run Signing on from 1.30, join in on a ride around the Manx countryside on your Vintage, Classic or modern bike. Finishing up with a conversation with Tea and Cakes.